標題: [分享] MemHack for OS5 1.01 ~ 類似 PiDirect II 的軟體 [列印本頁]

作者: FireHouse    時間: 2002-12-23 19:09
標題: [分享] MemHack for OS5 1.01 ~ 類似 PiDirect II 的軟體
MemHack for OS5 1.01
OpenSource 軟體, 不過作者還是歡迎金錢上的贊助... (跟 McPhling 很像~~)
(GPL, source code included, please donate/register!)
P.S. Note that there is NO WARRANTY.
作者不做任何使用上的保證, 若要用... 風險自負!

這是一套類似 PowerRUN 和 PiDirect II 的軟體, 作者自己是用 Palm Tungsten T
由於 PiDirect II 無法在 OS5 上執行, PowerRUN 的運作方式似乎又不符作者需求 (程式執行完畢後會將資料庫寫回記憶卡, 速度較慢)
所以就自己寫了一個類似程式 (蠻酷的理由...)
I wrote this program because nothing else offered the functionality I need for
my Tungsten T. PiDirect (at time of writing) doesn't work, and PowerRUN copies
the files back, which not only slows it down, it also wears out the flash card.
Admittedly, PowerRUN has a cuter user interface. However, though MemHack can  
easily be modified to write databases back, you don't actually need to on most

先在記憶卡上建立一個 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/ 目錄
假設你想在 X 程式 (假設叫做 ChordPro) 執行時, 從記憶卡上載入 Y 檔案 (假設檔案名為 Chords.pdb)
就把 Y 檔案放在 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/X 目錄下
如上例, 就是先建立 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/ChordPro 目錄
再把 Chords.pdb 放在 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/ChordPro 目錄下
執行 MemHack, 選擇 "Enable", 就搞定了!
This software provides two main features:
[$#8231]Read-Only VFS support for almost all applications. Every time an application is launched, it looks in /Palm/Launcher/MemHack/appname/ (where appname is the application's name) and copies any files in that directory into memory. When the application finishes, it deletes any databases it may have copied, or that were already there but are also in that directory.
Use your SD card or Memory Stick to store large databases for applications without native VFS support.
[$#8231]MidCapsHack-like support. When you write a character completely in the upper right hand corner of the alpha graffiti area, it comes out in caps. Be sure to write the entire letter, from pen down to pen up, in that area.

作者: TSUBASA    時間: 2002-12-23 19:42
標題: 回覆: [分享] MemHack for OS5 1.01 ~ 類似 PiDirect II 的軟體
不過這是一個 好的暗示,表示PIDIRECT之類的軟體並非不可能出現在OS5
作者: FireHouse    時間: 2002-12-24 15:29
標題: Re:[分享] MemHack for OS5 1.01 ~ 類似 PiDirect II 的軟體
1. 火車時刻表的資料庫丟到 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/Gtst-colour/ 目錄下
可以成功載入, 執行
2. 寶島月曆的 twweather03.pdb 資料檔 (天氣資料) 放在 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/TwDate/
可以成功載入, 執行
3. Lunar 的主程式 (Lunar.prc) 放在 /Palm/Launcher/ 目錄下, 用 VFS 啟動
而 Lunar 的資料檔 Lunar-Northern.pdb 放在 /Palm/Programs/MemHack/Lunar/ 目錄中
可以成功載入, 執行
作者: FireHouse    時間: 2002-12-24 17:11
標題: Re:[分享] MemHack for OS5 1.01 ~ 類似 PiDirect II 的軟體
今天在 PalmGear 上看到的聲明... 似乎變成 shareware 了
After 650 downloads and 0 registrations, I've crippled this program. Can't sell what you give away, I guess. Please register to get the real version. Other developers, take this as a warning: if you want to be paid for your work, don't leave it on the honor system.
BTW, in case you're wondering, its GPL so that anyone who wants to develop from it can, and people can see how I made this work.

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