謝謝各位先進的協助!作者: neosubway 時間: 2010-7-31 14:39
是哪種mail Gmail ? Hotmail? Outlook?
需要自行點擊開啟,再確認下載才行作者: qoo5cool 時間: 2010-7-31 17:40
POP的公司信件, 謝謝!作者: haha 時間: 2010-8-1 02:34 http://kb.palm.com/wps/portal/kb ... ticle/20493_en.html
這裡有說,「Email attachments smaller than 150KB are downloaded automatically. All other attachments have to be downloaded manually by tapping the attachment name in the email. You may need to tap the attachment to complete receiving it.」
這樣的話,你的方向有兩個,一個是轉向 3rd party 的 email client;另外一個則是轉用別的 protocols (如二樓建議的那些)來收信、不然就是要找 patch 了。