SmartBargains 給我的回覆:
Thank you for your patience while we researched why you were not able to place an order with us. I am sorry to say that the address that you are using for your billing and shipping address has been linked to past unfavorable activities. As a result, we will not allow any order to be placed using this address. If you would like to order from us, you will need to select a different address. I am sorry for any inconvenience.
以下是 SmartBargains 的回覆:
Thank you for your patience while we researched why you were not able to place an order with us. I am sorry to say that the address that you are using for your billing and shipping address has been linked to past unfavorable activities. As a result, we will not allow any order to be placed using this address. If you would like to order from us, you will need to select a different address. I am sorry for any inconvenience.
現在要先把這一批寄到朋友吶 (New Jersey),再請她寄到 Oregon... 真是很漫長的旅行,但還好第一段寄出是免運費,還有 New Jersey 免州稅 (補充:精確的說法是 SmartBargains 出貨到 New Jersey 免稅 )。
想請問大家,美國境內從 New Jersey 寄到 Oregon 怎麼寄比較划算?從東岸寄到西岸去了,真遙遠~