2.開啟工具程式裡的AppScript編寫程式,編輯以下內容並存檔為screen off備用
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.displays"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
tell slider 1 of group 2 of tab group 1 of window 1
set value to 0
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
tell application "Brightness Control" to run
3.開啟工具程式裡的AppScript編寫程式,編輯以下內容並存檔為screen on備用
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.displays"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "System Preferences"
tell slider 1 of group 2 of tab group 1 of window 1
set value to 0.2 --這個數值可改成0(最暗)~1.0(最亮)
end tell
end tell
end tell
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
tell application "Brightness Control" to quit