If you have a poor receiver, the outcome is either you get interference, or you restrict the transmitter so much that they’re not able to provide an attractive service.
The unusual waiver recently granted to LightSquared allows it to use its satellite spectrum for high-powered ground-based broadband transmissions if the company can demonstrate that harmful interference could be avoided.
If we allow the system to be fielded, and it does indeed jam GPS, imagine the impact.
GPS 使用的是安置在2萬公裏上空的24台衛星發射的信號。問題是,到達地上的信號非常弱,只有手機信號的百分之一,所以非常容易受到乾擾。2003年伊拉克戰爭當時,伊拉克軍方曾使用了功率為4瓦的俄羅斯產乾擾裝置,對通過GPS進行定位的美國聯合製導攻擊武器(JDAM)進行了電波妨礙,導致美軍誤炸了民間市場,發生了很多民間人士死傷事故。
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