標題: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔. [列印本頁]

作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-19 00:51
標題: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
轉貼自Palmone city.

There is a quite serious bug with the Tungsten T3:

After the first time that you power off and then powers on the T3 after a reset, the performance of the T3 is changed and everything runs about 25% slower than before the power off/power on.

This can be verified with a benchmark app such as Speedy.

This bug seems to be caused by the audio hardware not being initialised correctly after the T3 powers back on.

I have written a small app that once installed on the T3, make this bug go away.
這是一個非官方的patch, 有興趣的人可先下載試試.
你可用Speedy 來驗證這patch 是否有效(大不了hard-reset), 安裝前請記得先備份!
作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-19 00:52
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
相關討論: ... s=&threadid=456
作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-19 17:09
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.

Welcome to the home page for T3 Optimizer!

T3 Optimizer corrects the processor speed loss problem with the Tungsten T3 PDA from PalmOne. The T3 is designed to run at 400 MHz, and after a reset it does just that, but as soon as you power it off and then back on, the processor appears to slow to approximately 75% of its original speed. This problem is easily verified by any benchmarking utility. Well, I figured out what the problem was, and I wrote T3 Optimizer to correct this problem!

Simply download the T3 Optimizer zip file, unzip it, and install the file "T3 Optimizer.prc" onto your T3 via the hotsync facility. There's also a README file in the zip archive if you're interested!

T3 Optimizer is a system preference panel, so to activate it just open the system prefs application, and click on the link for T3 Optimizer, then select the checkbox for "Optimize after every powr cycle".

T3 Optimizer will correct the processor speed problem after every power cycle, and it will retain its settings even after a reset. The T3 Optimizer panel will even show you whether or not your T3 is currently running in the slow processing mode!

T3 Optimizer is free for private use, and is provided with absolutely no warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The user assumes all responsibility for its use. Mobile Voodoo will in no way be responsible for any negative effects arising from the use of T3 Optimizer.

Oh, and by the way, T3 Optimizer will only work on a T3. Don't bother trying to use it on anything else!
作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-19 18:23
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
T3 optimizer 真的有效!!

本來正常的效能是5357, 當機reset 後變4357, 降低將近 25%
T3 Optimizer 安裝後會整合在系統設定裡, 設定每次重開機後自動修正.
作者: AlexPro    時間: 2003-10-20 11:28
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-20 11:30
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Originally posted by AlexPro at 2003-10-20 11:28:

裝T3 optimizer 即可, 他會整合在prefs中, 可設定每次reset修正一次.
作者: AlexPro    時間: 2003-10-26 15:15
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
應該不是"reset" 而是 power on 就自動修正了
TT 不是應該 400mHz ? 怎麼測出來都在375mHz?

[ Last edited by AlexPro on 2003-10-26 at 19:01 ]
作者: AlexPro    時間: 2003-10-28 13:09
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
1.2 版的 T3Optimizer又來啦!

1. Changed application to use a deferred notification instead of a direct system wake up notification. Hopefully this will resolve any conflicts with other programs that activate at power up.
2. Audio reinitialization routine changed to use different parameters that are less system intensive, and to provide a small delay from sound stream creation to deletion.

[ Last edited by AlexPro on 2003-10-30 at 12:44 ]
作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-28 14:15
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
>1.2 版的 T3Optimizer又來啦!

user 自己寫的修正檔都到1.2版了, 官方的還沒出來...ox...
作者: 黯然銷魂    時間: 2003-10-28 15:34
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Originally posted by matika at 2003-10-28 02:15 PM:
>1.2 版的 T3Optimizer又來啦!

user 自己寫的修正檔都到1.2版了, 官方的還沒出來...ox...

我猜PalmOne大概會出一個新版的ROM image來解決SD及performance的問題
作者: Cowbell    時間: 2003-10-28 17:08
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Sigh, PalmOne 這次的品管實在不敢領教,

網路上大家都傳說  "T3 Recalls",
看來也不是全然不可能了 !!
作者: 阿輝    時間: 2003-10-28 18:31
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
軟體問題跟品管沒關係吧.. =..=


相反的.. TT3 我可以說是目前為止 Palm OS 機器上可以說是綜合我可以給 Best 評價的
作者: AlexPro    時間: 2003-10-28 23:13
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
「寬以對 Sony, 嚴以律Palmone」
當初 NR70/V 一堆記憶卡問題,也不見 Sony 有正面回應解決過,也沒人在叫 recall。
反而對 Palm 來說,已經正面回應,也積極處理,反而被罵臭頭。
另外,我還沒有看過國外網站有 T3 recall 的消息,請問從何而來?
作者: AlgerChen    時間: 2003-10-29 00:13
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
陰謀論 各位別當真阿

Sony 迷想要的有320X480的螢幕 又沒有鍵盤的PDA,沒想到Palm居然先出了,不行 一定要造謠,讓T3變廢物,Sony 第一 .....!@#$%^@!#.
作者: matika    時間: 2003-10-29 00:30
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Originally posted by AlgerChen at 2003-10-29 00:13:
陰謀論 各位別當真阿

Sony 迷想要的有320X480的螢幕 又沒有鍵盤的PDA,沒想到Palm居然先出了,不行 一定要造謠,讓T3變廢物,Sony 第一 .....!@#$%^@!#.

作者: Cowbell    時間: 2003-10-29 00:50
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Originally posted by AlexPro at 2003-10-28 11:13 PM:
「寬以對 Sony, 嚴以律Palmone」
當初 NR70/V 一堆記憶卡問題,也不見 Sony 有正面回應解決過,也沒人在叫 recall。
反而對 Palm 來說,已經正面回應,也積極處理,反而被罵臭頭。
另外,我還沒有看過國外網站有 T3 recall 的消息,請問從何而來?

你說的沒錯, 想一想我是寬以對 Sony, 嚴以律Palmone,
自從 PalmV 後, 我就背棄Palm而投向Sony,
經過數年Clie的高價壓榨後, 終於等到 320X480 , No Keyboard 的OS5機子出現,
毅然決然的重回Palm的懷抱, 一看到 Yahoo有叫賣T3, 立刻就抱了一台回家,
網路上稱讚T3的文章多的數不清, 但是這一點的失誤,
就好比是100分跟99分的差別, 他牌的機子 81分和80分也就沒啥感覺了.
愛之深, 責之切吧 !

PS : T3 Recall 的消息我是從 PalmOneCity Tungsten Series Forum 看來的 ... mp;highlight=recall
當然我也覺得是謠言, 但是如果有T3 Users開始抱怨時, PalmOne應該要加快腳步了!

[ Last edited by Cowbell on 2003-10-29 at 00:55 ]
作者: guruguru    時間: 2003-10-29 08:23
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.

不過OS 5.x只是過渡期,希望6.x早點到來
作者: 黯然銷魂    時間: 2003-10-29 10:06
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Originally posted by guruguru at 2003-10-29 08:23 AM:

不過OS 5.x只是過渡期,希望6.x早點到來

在以前Pocket PC不足為懼的時代, Palm多久才一個產品, 品質當然可以作最好的控管
而現在為了能與Pocket PC競爭, 產品發展的時程就短上許多. 問題自然就產生了.
作者: AlexPro    時間: 2003-10-30 12:44
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
1.5 版的 T3 Optimizer 出囉!
1. Went back to direct notification model but with higher priority and shorter execution time.
2. Added display for current CPU and memory speed settings via Xscale CPU registers.
3. Added realtime CPU speed analyzer.
4. Fixed a bug when T3 Optimizer used but not called from prefs app
作者: AlexPro    時間: 2003-11-6 18:34
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
升級到 2.01版,網址在上
作者: Cowbell    時間: 2003-11-7 01:26
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
不知道 PalmOne 官方的偉大工程師團們,
看到非官方 Patch 從 V1.0 一路出到 V2.01 ,

我想他們可能在玩 SD卡片吧, 沒時間看這小小的問題吧 !
作者: cecilyen    時間: 2003-11-8 02:01
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
作者: 黯然銷魂    時間: 2003-11-9 15:16
標題: Re: [轉貼] TT3效能修正檔.
Originally posted by cecilyen at 2003-11-8 02:01 AM:

如果更新了, 當然是不用裝這個了.

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