看來又是接點的老問題!作者: guruguru 時間: 2003-10-23 23:56 標題: Re: [交流] Palm T|T 手觸控問題非官方DIY修正。 只看到拆機法... 沒看到問題解決方法...作者: AlexPro 時間: 2003-10-24 00:27 標題: Re: [交流] Palm T|T 手觸控問題非官方DIY修正。 When you have openned your Tungsten T disconnect your battery from the board and put some rubber material on the the top left side of your tungsten so that screen does not move left and right. Also make sure that all connectors are secure and clean them with Philips contact cleaner.作者: chenhsiangjung 時間: 2003-10-24 17:03 標題: Re: [交流] Palm T|T 手觸控問題非官方DIY修正。 會不會是"抽拉"太快.太多次而使觸控點跑掉....我的tt就是觸控點跑了又出國了