fox作者: fox 時間: 2001-8-16 09:18 標題: 回覆: 唉呀呀..缺水了 補充說明一下:
您如果仔細讀一下所有 GPS 的規格, 您會發現位置的誤差最大,
S/A on -> 100m
S/A off -> 25m
DGPS -> 5m
可是居然速度的精確度, 在以上所有狀況都是 0.1 knote or 0.1 km/hr
原因在於 GPS accuracy 有三個特性,
Predictable - The accuracy of a radionavigation system's position solution with respect to the charted solution. Both the position solution and the chart must be based upon the same geodetic datum.
Repeatable - The accuracy with which a user can return to a position whose coordinates have been measured at a previous time with the same navigation system.
Relative - The accuracy with which a user can measure position relative to that of another user of the same navigation system at the same time.