標題: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599 [列印本頁]

作者: andy2000a    時間: 2005-2-2 15:59
標題: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
Unlocked GSM Treo 650 Smartphone

Our "unlocked" GSM Treo™ 650 smartphone works with almost any GSM/GPRS network worldwide, so you can use it with your existing GSM/GPRS service plan. Or use it overseas with additional international service from your service provider or a new SIM from an international service provider. Perfect for the frequent international traveler.
NOTE: Please call your mobile phone service provider to make sure their service is compatible with phones that run on the GSM/GPRS network before purchasing an unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone.

Why an unlocked GSM Treo smartphone costs more:
Through an agreement with service providers, we are able to give a significant discount to customers who get a new phone line and sign up for a one-year service contract when they purchase a Treo smartphone. However, when you purchase an unlocked GSM Treo smartphone, you are purchasing it without a service plan or contract. As a result, we are unable to provide a new activation discount.

  Treo 650
Price: $599* ... ml?categoryId=30025
作者: yahua    時間: 2005-2-2 16:09
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作者: geng    時間: 2005-2-2 16:23
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599


作者: hube    時間: 2005-2-2 16:59
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
呀, 終於盼到啦, 在農曆年前出現
作者: kwei    時間: 2005-2-2 17:17
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
作者: u329    時間: 2005-2-2 17:23
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599

作者: 小酒蟲    時間: 2005-2-2 17:43
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
Originally posted by yahua at 2005-2-2 00:09:

palmOne 自己網站說 shipping 還要一~二週以上,不過也有人說他向 palmOne 訂了之後,過沒兩天就收到了。總之,現在是一團亂的狀態;感覺上是 palmOne 想快點把 unlocked Treo 650 鋪貨出去,卻又怕打到綁門號的系統商。像美國這邊的討論區上,很多人都不介意用原價直接買 unlocked 標準版 Treo 650,理由大約是:

1) 不用綁門號/系統商。
2) 綁門號優惠只限新客戶。
3) 買新門號 / locked Treo 650 時會被強迫購買每月 $20 的 data plan(也有人說是每月 $80)。
4) Locked Treo 650 功能被閹。
5) 系統商出貨日不明。
6) 不爽有個系統商的 logo 在上頭。

我應該是 Treo 600 再撐一陣子,等 Treo 650 的 bugs 修一修(順便等掉價);畢竟當初 Treo 600 也是一直修正到現在的 v3.05。話是這麼說,不過我也不知會不會到時又變心了....B)B)B)


據稱 Cingular 在併購 AT&T Wireless 之後,會逐步把兩者的 GSM 系統合併更換至 GSM 850;換言之,以後在台灣要買「四頻機」才能拿來美國用。

[ Last edited by 小酒蟲 on 2005-2-2 at 23:00 ]
作者: D.L.懷特    時間: 2005-2-2 19:04
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
Originally posted by andy2000a at 2005-2-2 03:59 PM:
Unlocked GSM Treo 650 Smartphone
Price: $599*

作者: nomad    時間: 2005-2-2 22:35
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
我已經托HK的朋友搞定了, 透過代理商, 沒有其他意外的話, 2月5日就能到手(到HK朋友的手, 快遞到北京我手裡得快除夕了),  港幣5300左右.
作者: changpp    時間: 2005-2-2 22:50
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599

TREO 650 我來啦∼∼∼
作者: jekyll    時間: 2005-2-2 23:20
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
作者: changpp    時間: 2005-2-3 06:59
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599

Dear Hao-po Chang:

Thank you for shopping with palmOne Sales, your business is important
to us.  We received your order 050202-2132XX, which included backordered or advanced sale
items that are unavailable for immediate shipment.  Once the product
is available for processing, you will receive a new order
confirmation email.  The following item(s) will be shipped when it is
in stock.

Item:              1869804
Description:        PALM Treo 650 GSM
Quantity:           1  @ $    599.00
Shipping Method:    Overnight

Please remember that your credit card will not be charged until the
item(s) has shipped.  When the item(s) becomes available for shipment,
you will receive a confirmation email with the shipping details.

Please visit our online Help area at
for answers to questions about your order. If you are unable to find
the answers you need, you may contact one of our Customer Service
Specialists through our online e-mail form, also found in the Help
area of our website.

Please note: This email message was sent from a notification-only
system that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this

Best regards,

palmOne Sales
Customer Service

作者: D.L.懷特    時間: 2005-2-5 00:16
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $699
Originally posted by 小酒蟲 at 2005-2-2 05:43 PM:

我應該是 Treo 600 再撐一陣子,等 Treo 650 的 bugs 修一修(順便等掉價);

[ Last edited by 小酒蟲 on 2005-2-2 at 23:00 ]

價格在昨天調漲100美元,變成699美元。 ... ml?categoryId=30025




[ Last edited by D.L.懷特 on 2005-2-5 at 00:33 ]
作者: D.L.懷特    時間: 2005-2-5 00:23
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $699
Originally posted by changpp at 2005-2-3 06:59 AM:

作者: 小酒蟲    時間: 2005-2-5 02:46
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
Originally posted by D.L.懷特 at 2005-2-4 08:16:

作者: mirorman    時間: 2005-2-5 12:50
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
Originally posted by D.L.懷特 at 2005-2-5 12:16 AM:
價格在昨天調漲100美元,變成699美元。 ... ml?categoryId=30025




之前我也是很納悶, 為何美國的Unlock版硬是比亞太地區便宜了100美元, 原來是打字錯誤.
作者: andy2000a    時間: 2005-2-5 13:05
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
有沒有  hacker 高手 , 請他去 P1 homepage 再改一下 ..
改到 $69.9 , 大家趕緊強買    .
Palm1 改天再說  "小數點點錯"   ,
作者: D.L.懷特    時間: 2005-2-5 16:13
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $699
Originally posted by mirorman at 2005-2-5 12:50 PM:

之前我也是很納悶, 為何美國的Unlock版硬是比亞太地區便宜了100美元, 原來是打字錯誤.




[ Last edited by D.L.懷特 on 2005-2-5 at 16:22 ]
作者: fancyadam    時間: 2005-2-6 23:49
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
Originally posted by D.L.懷特 at 2005-2-5 12:23 AM:


我是用699成交 B)
作者: xdavid    時間: 2005-2-7 16:00
標題: Re: [新聞] unlocked GSM Treo 650 smartphone $599
先買先用啦, 價格只要能接受就別管它後來會怎樣啦. 恭喜先入手了.

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