matika wrote:
N760C 在美國 9/25 才正式發售, 我在當天用現貨照片在 eBay 上面賣, 兩天來收到將進 30 封 email, 有兩封特別有趣:
I was interested in getting a Sony n760c for my dad, since he is in the hospital.
I was wondering if I can get one from you for $250.00.
Please get back to me as soon as possible.
有沒搞錯啊.. 才上市兩天的產品, 市價 $500 他跟我開價 $250 ?
就算他老爸住院, 買東西也沒有這麼離譜的折扣吧.. @_@
Do you have more than one of these to sell? I ask because I am disabled and cannot afford to buy one at stores, and was wondering if you could sell one like the one above for $150-$200? If you have a set price, let me know it and I might could meet it. Thanks.
喔拜託.. 有這麼離譜嗎? 一百五買 N760C ??
三分鐘後, 我寫信去跟他說我有 S320, 大約在他的預算範圍之內.
三分鐘後, 他回信再聲明一次他要的是 760 不是 320, 並再強調一次說他殘障, 不能到店裡去買. 希望我給一個更好的價錢.
我就賭這口氣, 三分鐘後, 我馬上回信說請他出示殘障證明的影印本, 我 N760C 虧錢賣他 US $450 包郵費寄送到家 . 算是服務殘障朋友. ㄟ.. N760C 才面市兩天耶, 這種價錢去哪找?
不過我最後一封信寫過去之後, 到現在三個小時都沒有收到他回信了.
What is going on in USA?
Many people get crazy after the attack?
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