標題: 62GB 的 Dell Streak mini 5 [列印本頁]

作者: Tango    時間: 2011-8-3 22:13
標題: 62GB 的 Dell Streak mini 5
本文章最後由 Tango 於 2011-8-5 08:39 編輯

"只要是非嚴重硬體損壞,軟體出問題?開機開不了?觸控壞了? 變磚 。。。95% 修得好。ROM 加大 4g 8g 16g 32g "
32G ROM? 印象中不是只有能上8G嗎?
就能擴充成30G的ROM size.再加上正常的32G外存記憶卡. 62G的Streak怪獸誕生.

等買到32G MicroSD class 10卡.選個黃道吉日.幫手裡的Streak轉大人..


作者: Tango    時間: 2011-8-5 08:41
本文章最後由 Tango 於 2011-8-5 08:47 編輯

(若不想心驚肉跳.擔心受怕.請花$請上述賣家代打即可.-- 我不認識這賣家.無法幫他讚聲)

How to do that ?
1-preparing the new sdcard
1-1 switch off your phone
1-2-Introduce your new sdcard in the external slot (the regular one)
1-3-reboot your phone

1-4 We are now going to back-up your old internal sdcard into the new one, and prepare the extra space left for personnal usage :
for this we are going to DD all what's in the old innersd to the new sdcard in the external slot. Then use the extraspace to create an Ext3 partition, that will be used for storage.
this is obtained by executing the following commands from your pc, using adb :
adb shell
umount /sdcard
cat /dev/block/innersd0 > /dev/block/mmcblk1
"Wait long time"
busybox_1P8P1 fdisk /dev/block/mmcblk1
p "Show partition table"
"Should show 3 partitions,1 5 and 6"
n "New Partition"
p "Primary"
2 "Partition 2"
"enter, selects first available sector"
"enter, selects last available sector"
p "Show partition table"
"Should now show 4 partitions, 1 2 5 and 6"
w "To write the new partition table"
busybox_1P8P1 mke2fs -j /dev/block/mmcblk1p2

after those steps, you should get everything from the old innersd copied in the new one, plus another partition containing the rest of the available space from your new innersd.

2 flashing a new boot.img to cope with the big innersd :
Now, we are going to flash the new boot.img, that will allow the streak to boot with a big innersd, and mount the extraspace from the innersd card in the /intsd folder.
for this, shutdown your phone, and restart it while pushing the camera button, then click on the fastboot button on the screen. Wait a few sec, when the phone display wait for USB Fastboot detect, plug your phone to your computer.
in a terminal move to the folder containing your fastboot exec, and enter (those commandlines are for linux, it may vary a bit for windows, adjust it as required)

fastboot -i 0x413c flash boot /where/you/put/your/boot.img
"where boot.img is the name of the modified boot.img, in the right folder."
Once the boot is uploaded,
shutdown the phone (remove the cable and the battery, or fastboot 0x413 reboot...)

3-Next step is to open your phone, and switch the cards
see this thread, for how to :
re-assemble your phone, boot it, and if everything worked correctly, your phone should be like usual...

4-Software part
To finnish this mod, you'll have to install via the market the autostart app and the multi mount SD-card widget.
for the autostart to work, create a file called /data/opt/
and paste this text inside it :
busybox_1P8P1 mount -o bind /intsd /mnt/sdcard/intsd #you can adjust here the name of the target folder where you want to link the /intsd folder
pm disable
pm enable

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