Developed by GoTreo Software (由 GoTreo Software 正式接手)
Launcher X supports all screen resolutions and graphics APIs. Whether you're using the latest Palm Tungsten, Sony Clie, Tapwave Zodiac, a HandEra 330 or just a plain ole 160x160 device, Launcher X supports you in color and greyscale. It supports jog dials, 5-way pads and even the Treo 600, 650 and 700P. Rest assured Launcher X has your device covered. (正式支援 Treo650, Treo700P)
Full support for the latest Palm OS/Access OS NVFS file system
Treo 5 Way navigation
Updated registration coding system (正式支援 NVFS 系統, 5向鍵)
(重新註冊 )