- 註冊時間
- 2003-1-3
- 線上時間
- 66 小時
- 閱讀權限
- 150
- 積分
- 461
- 主題
- 53
- 精華
- 2
- 文章
- 423
該用戶從未簽到 - 文章
- 423
Re: [求助] 在外國網站用信用卡購物的問題
No. At least I don't know how. This is because of the credit-card fraud.
Some stores which can ship internationally should be able to tell you what to do. If you stay in US, get a US credit card. It's easy, even though you don't have any credit record. In some credit unions, you can open an account and get a credit card as long as some deposit is held in the account, say $1000 for your credit limit. After certain period, 0.5 or 1 year, you can free this deposit. |