標題: [求助] 顯卡不靈 [列印本頁]

作者: eggyoung    時間: 2004-6-10 00:48
標題: [求助] 顯卡不靈
前幾天朋友送了一套Combat flight simulator 3,昨天興沖沖的安裝上。不料玩沒多久,螢幕就變成一片漆黑或是一堆靜止的花紋,電腦就整個不工作了,只好關機了事。一開始以為是顯示的驅動的問題,就去nivida原廠下載(電腦是hp的,之前用的是從hp下載的驅動),安裝之後還是一用。上網去google 找了一下,好像也沒有明確的抱怨和說明,不知道這裏的朋友有沒有經驗,可以分享或指導的。

我的電腦是amd-k7,512ram,顯卡是Geforce MX/MX 400。

作者: lcm3647    時間: 2004-6-10 08:31
標題: Re: [求助] 顯卡不靈
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
If your computer uses this video adapter, you may receive the following error message:
The configuration override file is out of date.
To resolve this issue, download and install the latest video drivers.

作者: eggyoung    時間: 2004-6-10 14:29
標題: Re: [求助] 顯卡不靈
Originally posted by lcm3647 at 2004-6-10 08:31 AM:
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400
If your computer uses this video adapter, you may receive the following error message:
The configuration override file is out of date.
To resolve this issue, download and install the latest video drivers.



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