原文由 小賤健 於 2008-3-15 22:49 發表
希望摔車的妹啊不會恐懼再騎車。也 ...
polar168 發表於 2009-1-16 07:38
"When you brake a bike, your weight moves forward. The front wheel has more traction, and hence more braking power. Conversely, the rear has less weight and less traction and is more inclined to lock up and skid.
For a rapid stop you shift your body weight rearward while applying the front brake as strongly as possible without causing the bike to cartwheel and also applying the rear brake just firmly enough to provide braking power without locking up and skidding. This is absolutely something you must practise! For safety and effective learning, do the moves slowly at first. Develop a feeling for the dynamic involved before you try fast stops.
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