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之前裝過了 cacko 在我的C3200 上... 亂不錯玩的... 雖然還沒開始嘗試中文化...
又讓我看到了pdaxrom 這個東西... 又好像可以在上面跑PS 模擬器... 於是就嘗試了一下...
上 pdaxrom.org 上抓了...
這兩樣東西... 解壓縮後丟到我SD 卡的根目錄...
照著網站上的方法裝 ..
SL-Cxx00 Quick Install
Submitted by anunakin on Sat, 2006-09-23 20:50. SL-C1000/C3100 | Zaurus native
You need install new uBOOT for SL-Cxx00
- Remove battery
- Put SD with uBOOT install files
- Hold C+D and plug power
- Wait green and yellow lights turn off and remove power and SD/card
- Put a SD card with new pdaXrom install files
- Now Hold (OK) and plug power(without battery), wait about +/-20 seconds, the emergency system goes UP
- On question say "y" (YES)
- Now wait for install
- After finish, remove power, put battery
- Hold Power Buttom for 20 seconds +/- and pdaXrom goes start
if emergency system not loads try manual install see uBOOT README!
第一步看起來好像ok 了....
第二步的 emergency system 一直出不來....
我一個人按了ok 按好久好久....
真的整個過程都不用裝電池嗎?? 跟之前刷 cacko 的時候不太一樣...
有人能指點一下我哪裡做錯了嗎??? 要分兩張SD 卡??? 還是?? |