標題: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus! [列印本頁]

作者: czh    時間: 2003-5-27 23:18
標題: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
最新版MSN Plus!裝了之後會出現如圖中的工具列
而且無法移除,即使移除MSN Plus!後也都還在,工具列名稱還是亂數決定的
最狠的是連Lavasoft Ad-aware 6都無法察覺
作者: 阿輝    時間: 2003-5-27 23:27
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
我的 NB 還是中招了.. XP
作者: TSUBASA    時間: 2003-5-27 23:29
標題: 回覆: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
作者: czh    時間: 2003-5-27 23:36
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
我還有個$200的小視窗也是沒被Ad-aware 6與賣咖啡防火牆檔到
作者: czh    時間: 2003-5-28 00:13
標題: 回覆: 回覆: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
irvin wrote:

這MSN Plus!不是M$的產品
作者: necobi    時間: 2003-5-28 00:57
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
作者: 小賤健    時間: 2003-5-28 01:01
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
咦!?我也有裝 MSN Plus! 呀,我的是2.10.0035版的,並沒有中招說:O
作者: czh    時間: 2003-5-28 01:06
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
作者: tpalice    時間: 2003-5-28 01:50
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
Oh... I better check my laptop hen I get back home...
Hope everything is fine...@_@
作者: DogHuang    時間: 2003-5-28 13:44
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
作者: 小酒蟲    時間: 2003-5-28 13:51
標題: 回覆: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
阿輝 wrote:

所以這一版是把 MSN 的廣告移掉,改成安裝自己的廣告?
作者: Katsuya    時間: 2003-5-28 14:21
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
If you want to take off the advertising, please remove msn plus from add or remove programs in cotrol pannel, as you are removing msn plus, there will be another different uninstall programe pops out as well. follow instructions and enter what the screen has asked you to enter, you can actually remove the ads.  
Then reinstall msnplus. You only lost the configuration of msn plus by removing it. all logs will not be removed!
作者: zelus    時間: 2003-5-28 18:22
標題: 回覆: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
作者: octopuz    時間: 2003-6-1 00:32
標題: 回覆: [幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
Posted by SciBoy on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 13:04:50:
In Reply to: music search online posted by jart69 on Monday, February 03, 2003 at 13:15:00:
Since using the programs own installer and supplying it with "proof" that I'm not a script, felt like defeat, I decided to get rid of it the hard way.  
I found a key at
which holds the name of the running .exe. BUT it seems there is another file running as well, called qqk1.exe which was the actual program. From the exe-file name you will soon recognize some sort of naming scheme the program uses like: zeeouiip.dll
The exe-files, and a few DLLs I think, seem to end up in your Documents And Settings folder under Application Data.  
It also installs something as part of the explorer. Which makes it tricky to remove.
Just delete all exe's and DLL's you find under your Application Settings directory. There shouldn't be any here anyway. If you can't delete any of them "because they are being used", search through the registry for them and delete any registry keys you find containing their names. Reboot. Gone!
Under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{4e348ede-e826-4a9a-9c00-2303e4340c74}
I found a reference to the DLL. The CLSID could be random, I guess. Just look for the name of the DLL in the Application Data directory, the one you can't remove.
Found it again under
Now there is an additional problem. It has installed itself as a TCPIP interface as well, redirecting traffic to/through I located a key at:
But removing all this seems to completely destroy the settings for your internet connection. What I did was I uninstalled the drivers for my Ethernet card and reinstalled them, requiring two reboots.
Hey, who said it would be easy! :-)  
Hehe. I know, this is perhaps a long way to go when there is a uninstall option right there. But what if the uninstall option doesn't remove the TCP/IP-interface it installed, allowing to spy on you? I don't know. I just know that *my* computer is clean now.
Good luck folks.
印象中它會有一個母檔存在於 C:\ Documents and Setttings\你的使用者名稱\Application Data\ 裡,每次開機它都會先複製一份具有規則名稱的子檔,然後執行它,所以只砍子檔是沒用的,因為下次開機它又會換個檔名再出現。如原文所說的,母檔應存在於此目錄中,所以把目錄底下的東西全砍了基本上就沒問題了。我砍了母檔後,也順便把和母檔檔名相關聯的機碼殺光了,除了 IE 裡的萬惡工具列仍然存在以外(我只好按右鍵隱藏它),至少表面看來一切美好,沒時間重灌電腦的人可以試試。
作者: alberthk    時間: 2003-6-2 11:48
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
作者: ericosur    時間: 2003-6-3 23:36
標題: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
現在從網頁種進來的多半是 COM 元件,所以去看 Run Key 是沒多大用的,IE 甚至 explorer 一起來就會把 COM 元件給
啟動,所以找到那些 COM 元件的 UUID ,刪除相關檔案和機碼才行。
它不是有一個奇怪的名字?用這個名字下去機碼找所有的值,就能找到對應的 UUID 值 (就是那個又臭又長 64bit hex
數值) 如果微軟的 COM 作的夠好,全世界也只有這個 ooxx 的元件是這個數值,然後你就能找到相關檔名 (通常是DLL)
剛找到也刪不去,因為已經跑起來了,就用 regsvr32 /u 解註冊這個 COM 元件...
為什麼不寫詳細步驟... 因為在下修養差,氣到不行殺光光以後也不再想用 messager plus 了... 六點零正式版也快了,
就跟 messager plus 說再見吧...
作者: ham    時間: 2003-6-5 20:41
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作者: czh    時間: 2003-6-5 21:37
標題: 回覆: Re:[幹醮][警告] 千萬不要裝最新版MSN Plus!
ham wrote:

這裡討論的是MSN Plus!
作者: ham    時間: 2003-6-15 11:37
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