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本文最後由 seal 於 2009-1-4 09:43 編輯
轉貼自 macles* for friends of the acer aspire one
看過好多篇十吋 Aspire One 的Rumor
就是沒有看到照片,基本上Seal 會購入 Aspire One 最主要是因為他的外型啦。
而且在米國,WalMart 這種超級市場就有賣Aspire One 了,多方便呀!
廢話不多說,下面是這篇Rumor 的內容:
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Acer Aspire One 10.1"
It is probably not suprising, considering the success of the Acer Aspire One, that Acer is currently preparing a new model. It won't be a true successor but just a new variant of the AA1. Digitimes did already report in November that the 10.1" AA1 will be released in February 2009, but no details were known then.
台灣知名大廠 宏碁的十吋小筆電 Aspire One
這台新的小筆電可能不是什麼另人驚訝的新聞,Acer 的Aspire One 真的賣的很成功,所以Acer 應該會打鐵趁熱的推出新機型。Digitimes 網站在十一月份就指出十吋的Aspire One 就會在09 年二月面市,雖然當然什麼細節都沒給。
Here are the details. Most specs are identical to the AA1, there are only a few changes. First the bad news: it will likely be Windows XP and HDD only, no Linux or SSD SKUs. Probably false alarm. There will only be no HDD and Linux combination, which is currently available in parts of Europe. The Storage Expansion slot has been removed, and a multicard reader put in its place. The functionality of the current Storage Expansion in Linux is entirely software based anyway. No onboard memory. There is only a single DIMM slot now, with a maximum capacity of 2GB. The screen is 10.1" with the same resolution as the current screen. 3G and Bluetooth 2.0+EDR are optional.
不過這邊就有比較詳細的細節啦。大部份的硬體規格都跟市面上的AA1 差不多,只有些許的不同。先來個壞消息:硬碟版跟Linux 不會同時出現,雖然歐洲已經賣了一拖拉庫類似的機子了。只讀SD 卡的那個擴充槽被取消了,多合一讀卡機還是會繼續存在。那個SD 卡擴充槽其實也是用軟體做出來的,所以也沒有什麼差。主機版上焊記憶體這個鳥設計會被取消掉,但是擴充槽也還是只有一個,最大可以支援到2GB 的記憶體。雖然螢幕長大變成10.1 吋,但是解析度還是一樣的小。3G 模樣跟藍牙則變成選配喔。
A few changes were made to the design as well. The area around the keyboard has a brushed metal finish and the seamlessly integrated touchpad resembles a more traditional touchpad, compared to the current one, with what appears to be a single button at the bottom. The new AA1 will be available in three colors: white, black and red.
在外觀設計的部份,則有幾項小小的變動。鍵盤附近的外殼會採用拉絲金屬的造型,觸控板則會改為隱藏式的設計!?觸控板的按鈕設計似乎也會有所更動?新的AA1 會有三種漂亮的顏色:白色、黑色還有超美的紅色。
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