Installation instructions
Install the Chinese Language Pack to read Chinese eBooks (supported formats BIG5, GB )
Required fonts
For Traditional Chinese : MS Song, mssong.ttf (2,5Mo).
Check that the .TTF (True Type font file) extension has no conversion setting when these files are copied from the PC to the device. (Start Active Sync 3.0, goto Tools > Options > Conversion Settings > Desktop To Device and choose "no conversion" for TTF files)
Copy the font files to your Windows CE device in the \windows\fonts folder. (do not copy them to the \windows\ directory!)
How to use the MobiBook Reader CJK version
Open any eBook with the MobiBook Reader
Choose the right encoding by clicking the Encoding item in the Book menu
NB : With Windows CE 2.11 (Palm PC, HPCPro), the right font for the given encoding is automatically selected. With Windows CE 2.0 (HPC devices), you need to choose manually the right font (for example, if you are reading a BIG5 file, select Book > Encoding > BIG5 and View > Font Name > MS Song)